My name is Sarah Liptrott and I am a qualified Social Worker and Approved Mental Health Professional. I am also an Associate Lecturer in Social Work at University of Bradford. I have experience with supporting people with learning disabilities, Autism, mental health issues including dementia and Personality Disorder, acquired brain injury and physical disability.
Needs and Strengths assessments- Upholding the core principles of the Care Act 2014. A face-to-face conversation that focuses on you- what you are able to do yourself, where you may need help and how you want that help to be provided. I will spend time finding out about you- your history, what is important to you, what your future plans are. Having worked for a Local Authority for many years, I understand the frustrations that come with long waiting lists for assessments and high staff turnover. Employing an Independent Social Worker reduces the time you have to wait for your assessment- you can receive an appointment quickly, and low caseloads means I have more time to spend getting to know you and what is important to you.
Carer's Assessments- assessing your needs as a carer and supporting you to identify and access support
Reviews- The Care Act states that you are entitled to an annual review of your care, however Local Authority constraints lead to delays in arranging reviews- this could mean that you may not receive a review for 2 or 3 years! I am experienced in carrying out care reviews, reviewing packages of support and identifying any changes that may be required. Your review will be person centred and will support you to identify your strengths.
Finding support- If you are classed as “self-funding” (i.e. the local authority does not pay a contribution towards your care and support) then it is unlikely you will have been offered support to find the right care agency, personal assistant or care home. I can help you find that support, helping you to identify the right package that meets your needs.
Completing Attendance Allowance forms- Whilst I can’t guarantee that you will be accepted for Attendance Allowance, as this decision lies solely with Department of Work and Pensions, I have experience of completing Attendance Allowance forms that have resulted in the allowance being awarded. These forms can be daunting and appear complicated, but I can help take some of the stress and worry out of the process.
Case management- A dedicated social worker available to carry out annual reviews, changes to care packages, provide advice and support, and be a consistent presence when you need it. Unlike Local Authority social work teams where you will be allocated a different social worker multiple times through your care journey, I will remain with you. If you would prefer to have someone involved on a longer-term basis, to really personalise the support you receive by having a Social Worker who knows you well and visits regularly by your side, then case management may be ideal for you. A monthly payment plan for Case Management can be discussed that meets your needs.
Mental Capacity Assessments- upholding the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and working within the Code of Practice. I have a wealth of experience in assessing capacity in areas such as managing finances (including for Power of Attorney and Deputyship), care and support needs, contact with others, phone and internet use, residence and signing tenancies, consent to marry, sexual relationships
Court of Protection – With extensive experience of Court of Protection cases, I am able to provide expert witness testimonies and mental capacity assessments. This may include in areas such as Forced Marriage Protection Orders, care and support needs, residency, and contact with others. I am experienced in completing capacity assessments for Local Authority teams to present to Court of Protection and can also carry out capacity assessments for individuals and families who are applying to Court of Protection for decisions regarding Deputyships and Power of Attorney decisions.
Mental Health Act 1983- As a qualified and experienced Approved Mental Health Professional and having attended Mental Health Tribunals and Manager’s Hearings to present Social Circumstances reports and evidence, I can provide independent social circumstances reports, mental capacity assessments, and care plans for planning discharge. This may be by instruction of the Hospital, Local Authority, Mental Health panel or the individual or representative should a second opinion be required.
Bespoke Training- as an Associate Lecturer in Social Work and experienced in delivering training, I can offer bespoke training to professionals and agencies in various areas, including assessing eligibility under the Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005 and assessing capacity, care planning, risk assessing (including positive risk management, self-neglect and hoarding), and Making Safeguarding Personal.
If you would like to discuss your requirements and how I may be able to help please do not hesitate to contact me. Pricing will depend on the service required.